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Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications If you still write RPG code as you did 20 years ago, or if you have RPG ILE on your resume...
$ 25.00 $ 79.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Today's business applications draw data from diverse sources' from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to enterprise databases like DB2, SQL Server, and Oracle....
$ 25.00 $ 79.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications In the old days, our beloved server was, in many cases, the only system a company used to perform its business....
$ 45.00 $ 59.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Traditional fixed-format RPG programmers everywhere are embracing the increased productivity, better readability, and easier program maintenance that comes with the free-format...
$ 10.00 $ 49.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications In this book, Roger E. Sanders--author of 22 books and a frequent contributor to numerous magazines and trade journals--covers everything you...
$ 25.00 $ 59.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Here is the ultimate guide to writing RPG IV programs with functions in the free-format style. Let RPG expert and bestselling...
$ 55.00 $ 69.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Driven by the demands of global competition, rapid technological growth, and faster time-to-market, the field of project management has seen significant...
$ 10.00 $ 24.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications To make it to the top of the pay scale, you have to establish your worth to your company. It's that...
$ 10.00 $ 49.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Written by business developers for business developers, this book focuses on HTML for business applications. Using this guide, professional business programmers...
$ 5.00 $ 79.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Now, you can use iSeries Access or Express Client to combine the presentation capabilities of Microsoft Office with the database capabilities...
$ 5.00 $ 19.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications This book is a practitioner's guide to deploying IBM Cognos software and the cloud. If you are a solution architect or...
$ 10.00 $ 69.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications This book introduces technology and business professionals to IBM's cloud-computing product offerings, including IBM PureApplication System, Bluemix, and SoftLayer. It gives...
$ 5.00 $ 16.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications For the past six years, every October, in line with IBM's largest "Big Data" conference in Las Vegas (#IBMInsight), IBM has...
$ 45.00 $ 71.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications In this new edition of IBM i Security Administration and Compliance, Carol Woodbury provides readers with everything they need to know...
$ 10.00 $ 99.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications This comprehensive, 35-chapter book is the ultimate resource and a "must-have" for every professional working with the i5/iSeries. It is perfect...
$ 5.00 $ 16.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications In IBM InfoSphere: A Platform for Big Data Governance and Process Data Governance, Sunil Soares provides a big data governance framework...
$ 5.00 $ 59.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Mainframes are the backbone of most large IT organizations' and many medium-sized companies, too. Their security cannot be left to chance....
Sold Out $ 39.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications This book introduces IBM Rational Business Developer, a software-development environment that lets you write enterprise applications quickly. The main subject is...
$ 50.00 $ 89.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications This is a monster of a book written by a giant of an expert. In this 700 page book, API expert...
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Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications With a foreword by Robert Will, Distinguished Engineer, IBM Corporation, Chief Architect of WebSphere Portal. What makes the WebSphere programming model...
$ 10.00 $ 49.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications The boundaries between the real and the virtual are becoming increasingly blurred. In a corporate setting, it is more important than...
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Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications For business managers and chief information officers (CIOs), the ability to manage identity data of employees, contractors, business partners, and customers...
$ 5.00 $ 49.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Explosive growth in the demand for IT computing infrastructure resources has put the global IT data centers that host this infrastructure...
$ 10.00 $ 79.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications The role of Java continues to grow, as does the importance of learning this critical language. RPG certainly will not disappear...
$ 10.00 $ 44.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications In JavaScript for the Business Developer, author Mike Faust builds the case for integrating JavaScript into business applications and then shows...
$ 5.00 $ 26.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications With a Foreword by Howard T. Prince II, Director of the Center for Ethical Leadership, University of Texas at Austin. This...
$ 5.00 $ 37.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Worldwide, companies like yours are rapidly adopting a new business model: the virtual office, where team members use technology to break...
$ 65.00 $ 85.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications The IBM i operating system running on IBM Power Systems is a platform in transition. Today's programmers must have a solid...
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Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Mastering IBM i Security provides you with the how-to for using the modern interfaces provided in IBM i 7.5 and recent...
$ 5.00 $ 14.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Master Data Management (MDM) is a fascinating, up-and-coming IT solution approach that allows an organization to run a customer-centric business operation....
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Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Open source on the IBM i has come a long way since the days of Perl on the AS/400. Today, the...
$ 65.00 $ 95.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Since its original publication, Programming in RPG IV has given thousands of students and professionals a strong foundation in the essentials...
$ 45.00 $ 79.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Get up to speed on today's RPG IV! Since its original publication, Programming in RPG IV has given thousands of students...
$ 5.00 $ 64.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Portals have evolved from simple Web applications with multiple links to an enterprise application delivery platform that serves composite applications. In...
$ 50.00 $ 79.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications You don't have much choice when it comes to Qshell documentation, but now, it doesn't matter. This book is the only...
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Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Python has grabbed the attention of application developers and is fast becoming one of the world's most popular programming languages, according...
$ 25.00 $ 65.00
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Bob Cozzi's resume is truly impressive: nearly 20 years of AS/400, iSeries, and System i experience; more than a decade of...
$ 5.00 $ 49.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications A major challenges with any information governance program is explaining the value to the business. Most programs deal with certain themes...
$ 5.00 $ 39.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications "A comprehensive yet very approachable introduction to service-oriented architecture. . .[with] numerous examples that illustrate best practices in applying SOA to...
$ 25.00 $ 49.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Stored procedures and built-in functions can greatly expand the power and usefulness of SQL, but surprisingly these highly useful tools remain...
$ 25.00 $ 64.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications In this book, you will learn about Structured Query Language (SQL), but with an IBM eServer i5/iSeries twist. The future seems...
$ 55.00 $ 79.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications You may be familiar with SQL, the IBM DB2 for i data-access language. But you might not know that you can...
$ 45.00 $ 79.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Kevin Vandever's Subfiles in RPG IV (MC Press, 2000) offered easy-to-understand explanations of subfile concepts plus a bounty of practical examples,...
$ 10.00 $ 64.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Written to address the special disaster recovery planning issues of System i, this book is your step-by-step guide to developing an...
$ 5.00 $ 17.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications The launch of DB2 on June 7, 1983, marked the birth of relational database as a cornerstone for the enterprise; 30...
$ 10.00 $ 16.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications In today's increasingly digital economy, data is the fuel that runs your organization's applications, business processes, and decisions. As a result,...
$ 5.00 $ 24.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Data Governance has become an industry buzzword, but it means different things to different people. The definition of Data Governance is...
$ 10.00 $ 79.95
Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications "At long last, here is the perfect book to recommend to anyone who is considering adopting PHP for IBM i development."--Mike...