$ 5.00 $ 64.95
Portals have evolved from simple Web applications with multiple links to an enterprise application delivery platform that serves composite applications. In a world where organizations are gearing up with service-oriented architecture (SOA) strategies and reworking existing apps to fit the Web 2.0 programming model, portals are strategic infrastructure components on every CIO's radar. As companies move toward SOA, portlets become an even hotter topic. Portlets provide the user interface for these services. IBM's unwavering commitment to open standards such as Java Specification Request (JSR 168) and strong presence in the application server market (IBM WebSphere Application Server) have helped establish WebSphere Portal as a leader among available portal solutions in the market.
Programming Portlets, Second Edition takes developers down a path of understanding all the latest concepts, including SOA, AJAX, and best practices to consider when building a J2EE-based portal. The book offers the reader the tools and information necessary to develop portlets and portal applications in two ways. Part 1 focuses on building portlets that will adhere to the JSR 168 API standard. This allows developers who want to use any JSR 168-compliant portlet container to quickly build quality portlets. Part 2 extends the focus to building JSR 168-compliant portlets for the IBM WebSphere Portal Server and includes information on portlet extensions and WebSphere Portal capabilities that can be leveraged in a portal development effort.
Among the many things you will find inside Programming Portlets, Second Edition:
Item Number: | 5232 |
Author Name: | Ron Lynn, Joey Bernal, Peter Blinstrubas, Usman Memon, Cayce Marston, Tim Hanis, Varadarajan (Varad) Ramamoorthy and Stefan Hepper |
Publication Date: | May 1, 2007 |
Edition: | Second |
Pages: | 524 |
ISBN-10: | 1931182280 |
ISBN-13: | 9781931182287 |
Format: | Paperback |
Product Dimensions: | 7 x 1.3 x 9 inches |
Shipping Weight: | 1.4 pounds |
Language: | English |
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