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IT Virtualization Best Practices

Mickey Iqbal, Dr. Mithkal Smadi, Chris Molloy, and Jim Rymarczyk


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  • Explosive growth in the demand for IT computing infrastructure resources has put the global IT data centers that host this infrastructure at the brink of both energy and floor space capacity. New data centers are costly, complex, and energy-hungry; at the same time, industry analysts estimate that several billions of dollars in existing server hardware is under-utilized. To address these challenges, organizations across the world have begun to leverage smarter technologies, such as virtualization. But without the benefit of a smartly engineered transformation effort, virtualization technologies alone have fallen short of providing the business value that resonates with an organization's lines of business.

    This book guides you successfully toward a lean virtualization implementation, using an approach based on service patterns to transform IT infrastructures to a virtualized state. Derived from the collective knowledge of an internationally recognized and globally experienced team of authors, the patterns address the seven "lean levers" that are the building blocks of the patterns for virtualization: segmenting complexity, redistributing activities, pooling resources, flexibly balancing resources, reducing incoming hardware infrastructure and work, reducing non-value-adding work, and standardizing operations. You will also learn how to manage IT infrastructures while optimizing technical and organizational resources to provide compelling business value for the organization.

    With IT Virtualization Best Practices, you will learn how to:

    • Become more productive in managing overall costs
    • Be agile in provisioning new business services and improving time to market
    • Be proactive in catering to rapidly changing business models and client demands
    • Become more "charged" as an engine for fueling business growth
    • Produce direct value to clients by optimizing their value chain
    • Enjoy greater success improving shareholder equity
  • Mickey Iqbal, an IBM Distinguished Engineer, is responsible for leading architecture and technology deployment strategy for IBM's Strategic Outsourcing (SO) business. He leads the global programs for hardware and software infrastructure resource optimization and technology deployment in IBM's data centers. He is a member of the IBM Academy of Technology.

    Dr. Mithkal Smadi is an IBM Distinguished Engineer in Integrated Service Delivery. He played a leading role in the early development and deployment of IBM lean transformation methodology across Integrated Technology Delivery (ITD) and Integrated Managed Business Process Delivery (IMBPD).

    Chris Molloy, an IBM Distinguished Engineer, is responsible for optimizing the 8 million square feet of data center space used around the world to support IBM's outsourcing customers. He is a member of IBM's Academy of Technology.

    Jim Rymarczyk is an IBM Fellow and the Chief Virtualization Technologist for IBM's Systems and Technology Group. He is a former computer science adjunct professor at Union College and a member of the IEEE, the ACM, and the IBM Academy of Technology.
  • Item Number: 5122
    Author Name: Mickey Iqbal, Dr. Mithkal Smadi, Chris Molloy and Jim Rymarczyk
    Publication Date: January 1, 2011
    Edition: First
    Pages: 300
    ISBN-10: 1583473548
    ISBN-13: 9781583473542
    Format: Paperback
    Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.6 x 9 inches
    Shipping Weight: 0.9 pounds
    Language: English

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