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Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications PHP is the hottest thing in Web development today, with over 30 million Web sites currently using the technology. Programmers are...
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Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications In this fourth edition of The Modern RPG IV Language, internationally recognized RPG expert Bob Cozzi takes his classic best seller...
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Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Whether you're an OO guru, a Java neophyte, or a professional business programmer, there is a good chance you will be...
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Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Now, you can use iSeries Access or Express Client to combine the presentation capabilities of Microsoft Office with the database capabilities...
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Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications Written by IBM senior field engineers and senior product development experts, this advanced book provides a solid look at the development...
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Product Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications IBM's EGL--and especially the new EGL Rich UI--gives developers the best tool for designing Web 2.0 business applications. Bestselling IBM i...